Lucidity, blueprint of the psyche 

I will explain here a tool for identity analysis, a (self-)diagnostic methodology I developed and have used with many people and is based on the multi-self state or substitute identity model of the psyche. This model deals with the fact, that many of us have more self-states, more identities and are not aware of these. It’s a quick way to scan the structure of the psyche, pinpoint the various masks and selves and identify problem areas, and is as such a tool in talking about who they are with clients, that could be used in relation to other methodologies. The aim of the tool is to assist people in self-discovery, the forms used are therefore not to be seen as mandatory questionnaires, but as guidelines in an interactive process, whereby the client is participating in discovery of his or her identity structure.  More about this in the book on (free ebook

It is thus not only an application of my substitute identity model of the psyche, but hinges on something else  in diagnostics, the capability to use special senses  to perceive beyond the normal, by the client themselves or the practitioner/therapist. This is not unique, many therapist and doctors use intuition with methods like “touch for health” or kinesthetics, but it’s usually not done in a very systematic way. In the Lucidity approach I use divination (a pendulum, kinesthetics or tactile learning, there are many ways) to arrive at what could be called the blueprint of a person’s psyche. One could say my approach is luciditylogointuitive and unscientific, but my answer to that would be: it works, gives consistent and repeatable results, so what? 

There are many ways to look at the psychological profile, identity or character or type of a person, but most take a long time and use complex rational  ‘scientific’ methods with often lengthy questionnaires. They mostly work from a model and theory that is limited in that it recognizes only the normal dimensions,  ignores the multiple and dynamic character of identity and personality, or assumes a stable self-image. 

Methods and typologies  like Myers-Briggs, the Enneagram of personalities, Big Five, classical psychoanalysis and even astrology do indicate a certain generalized type and behavior for each individual and I appreciate and use what they have to offer but mostly these systems don’t really point to solutions: how to deal with one’s personality stumbling blocks and nasty patterns, because they fail to notice we are not always the same, we can have multiple, substitute identities. 

Especially the Enneagram is a great tool, has internal consistency and offers great insights, but the way it is usually applied only deals with our dominant personality, not with the deeper structure of our psyche. Eli Jaxon-Bear is one of the few who pointed out, and he based this upon his Advaita Vedanta notions, that it basically tells you who you are not, your false self. The enneagram is thus potentially also a tool to see the deeper self, the hidden true me, but is not usually applied in this sense and thus remains a symptomatic not a fundamental tool. 

My interest has always been to look beyond the shown identity, beyond the assumed self-image. 


I wanted a methodology that would allow me, with the client there for feedback, to quickly scan the psychological structure of a person, identify problem areas. It would be helpfull if it could also suggest and evaluate ways to deal with those. I was looking for an interactive diagnostic tool with enough detail to identify not only symptoms but also root causes, and would point at methods or approaches for treatment or therapy. 

The normal methods, like establishing an enneagram type by way of questionnaires would not give me more than superficial insight in what a person assumed to be his or her self, so I decided to use a divination tool to come up with answers and profiles beyond that. This is not uncommon in alternative medicine, methods like “Touch of Health”, Kinesiology or Manual Muscle Testing are widely used. Divination with a pendulum is similar, except that the subject then is not the diviner. This limits the projection (unconscious manipulation) from the side of the subject, but of course transfers this problem to the diviner. I am an experienced dowser so I know the limitations and dangers. 

I gave the method that I developed the name Lucidity: it brings light into situations that are often rather dark and unclear. It’s not the definite version, as it still changes and improves over time, this is a ongoing process. The name is also a play on words, my first name is Luc(ius). There exists also a Lucidity Institute in the USA that researches lucid dreaming. 

The first realization and the root of the approach has to do with multiple sub-personalities or masks. I noted that when I look in a mirror there is not one person facing me (or asking for advice) but a combination of (subjective) selves, we have more masks or characters, substitute identities that are the ego-masks. 

Each sub-personality (character/mask) we have is different, with different talents, behavior, bodily functions, intelligence etc. but one perceives oneself as a coherent, undivided person. This poses a problem, but also the solution, for in the differences between the sub-personalities often lie the key to inner struggle, the saboteur, inner discourse and psychological problems, even illnesses. 


To acknowledge that there are more characters or identities, and thus also more shown identities (masks) in a person beyond the well know false/true self dichotomy is already quite different from most current thinking, so I had to find words that would be easy to understand. I use substitute identity, that’s better than sub-personality, but it’s not the perfect choice, I know. 

Using words to describe someone are usually not unambigious. Identity is fairly general, type or mask works, sub personality is dangerous. The whole existence of multiple self states has not been widely acknowledged, Jung saw two states in himself, Roberto Assagioli works with a similar concept, transpersonal therapist Manuel Almendro uses the word character to describe the various modalities, but sees them not as  coherent pattern, as separate individuals, more as specific pattern of what he calls fractals. 

Anyway, whatever the indication or word, I am talking about different ways someone deals with the inner and outer worlds, different identities. Different in many ways, but not perceived as such, maybe only noted as moods or temper. 

Given the fact that there are more characters or identities in a person (at least two, an inner child and a basic mask) I realized I could use a list of characteristics for each (substitute)-identity to identify differences. This can be done without the person present, as an intuitive approximation even for deceased people where I have some resonance with (like I met Steve Jobs in person), but prefer a one-on-one presence, as some interaction and feedback facilitates the process, makes it more self-discovery than diagnosis. 


For many it’s a bit embarrassing to be confronted with what is easily perceived as a split personality, one immediately thinks about multi personality syndrome or DID (disassociated identity disorder). Overcoming this defense, making clear this is not abnormal, is not easy, but pointing out that most everybody (probably 94% of us) has these multiple substitute identities, although usually there is a dominant one, helps. 

So in the Lucidity approach this is the first step, explaining this situation. Sometimes this is easy, sometimes the person finds it hard to accept there are so to speak more people inside of him or her. Diagrams, examples of people they know and sometimes some support from relatives or friends, who normally know the moods or modes, are helpful in this stage. A certain trust and belief in the system has to be established. 


Based on the more or less accepted notion of an inner child and personality or ego (masks) I can normally explain to the subject, the person being analyzed, what I was doing. The challenge is to get the person to understand that he or she is not only the assumed self, but that there are more substitute identities or characters inside and expressed in behavior. 

Once this is understood, the work can start, first establishing how many substitute identities exits, how dominant they are and in what situations they are shown. Differences between the various masks, characters or self-modalities are especially significant, they are the cause of many a psychic and somatic issue. 

This appreciation and awareness of the substitute identities in ourselves or others is normally not understood in the approach of the ‘normal’ medical profession. Allopathic doctors and most psychiatrists and psychologists simply lack the insight and tools to describe and quantify these substitute identities. 

Even as many alternative therapists do understand the importance of the distinction between child and mask - nearly all traditions state the goal of not identifying with our ego, personality or mask - there are few systematic ways to explore them in short order. Methods like Voice Dialogue or PsychoSynthesis take a lot of time and don’t deal with multiple masks the way I see them – as defense mechanisms and armor as the result of traumatic experiences. 

The aim of the process 

The goal of the Lucidity approach is to establish what modalities (substitute identities/ masks) there are in a subject, how they compare with the inner child or core inner me, and what differences are substantial enough to cause specific behavior, diseases, imbalances and so forth. 

I will start the Lucidity diagnostic process with a more or less standard form. This is a matrix where the various characteristics of the inner child and one or more masks are indicated in a logical order, starting with some basic features like intelligence, general health etc. I will use subjective readings (a pendulum), and if necessary give the corresponding reading for people they know, myself or a public figure, to help the subject see where he or she stands.  lucidityformleegengindicators.jpg

There are obviously differences between what I gauge and how it’s perceived by the subject/client. This is because the readings I get are based on my internal calibration, I get numbers that are repeatable by me and consistent but I don’t always know or understand the scale. It’s learning by doing. 


So when I give readings (numbers) about social quotient, spiritual frequency, time perspective, etc. it is also necessary to build up some rapport, explain what these numbers mean, how they are for well known people, compare them with those from others. 

The subject has to see that the numbers make sense, that there is some truth to what I gauge.  I make myself vulnerable by sharing details about myself, using me an example and touchstone, this is part of the process. 


Gradually the items on the list go from superficial towards less obvious hidden characteristics, but it is important to continually check the results with the person to build some confidence. The process is not like a laboratory check, it is an interactive search for the deeper truth about a person.  


I could fill in the form and arrive at a somewhat intuitive diagnostic result without the person being there, using what in Radionics is called a witness (a picture etc.) but the best results are obtained in interaction, in a process of feeling and growing mutual awareness.  Then the goal is not to completely fill in all the details, but use the form to interactively help the self discovery process, explaining some items more in depth, diverging as necessary.

Often it’s enough to point out where the differences and inner paradoxes are to start of a healing process. Healing or a solution starts with understanding the underlying mechanism, once “the light goes on” and people realize the cause of certain problems they change their self-image and often healing happens without further intervention. 

Design and personality 


The fundamental design, the soul part we bring with us to this world at birth (or at conception) is the inner child or inner me. It holds the original message contained in our DNA, in the choice of parents and place, and what can be seen as our karma. It is the scenario our soul has planned, the ‘attractor’, the basis lesson we come to learn. 

It has layers, and the most outer layer is the one that gets wounded in the process of growing up and coping with the world. The idea that the inner child is totally perfect and without identity is thus false. There always is a special something, a talent, a quest, the main reason we are here. Figuring that one out is very important, for then we can understand why our lives were the way they are. There is also a deep inner core without identity, but not easily accessible. It where we want to go in deep ritual state, to access the I dimension that allows us to contact the otherworld. 

The inner me/child has an outer layer, that interacts with the environment and develops all kinds of patterns (the fractals Almendro calls them)  to get what it wants or needs, responding to the people and situation around, usually the mother. As we develop in early childhood, we very soon (1 to 2 years) start with the defense and adaptation program that then becomes our first personality, our ego.  It is that basic subpersonality which we then gradually start to believe we are, the ego or false self. I call it the assumed self, as the word ego has many different connotations. 

The ego is not a negative thing. Usually it forms an effective way to deal with the circumstances and situation we were born into, we could not do without this ego system. 

And yet this assumed personality, with traits, drives, behavior and limitations, is different from - and in most people not well connected to - the original blueprint, the inner child. 

Here an important extension of the model need to be mentioned. Sometimes (some 70% of the people I estimate) we develop more personalities or sub-personalities. Usually this is because of traumatic experiences, such as abuse, accidents or diseases. Situations where the normal mask cannot handle the situation and a new defense is needed. 

I tend to describe these as additional masks or characters, a workable generalization. Usually the first mask is dominant in the sense that it is ‘worn’ most of the times, additional masks can worn a lot or hardly ever, and depending on circumstances. When there are a lot of masks, usually the ‘small’ ones can be ignored. They are remnants of special circumstances that might never or rarely happen again. 


In following the list of characteristics on the form (I do give a copy or the original to the subject) the person becomes gradually aware of his or her modalities, sees where they come from, and maybe remembers traumatic experiences. It’s a process of elucidating the structure of one’s psyche.  

It helps sometimes to explain the model in computer terms, there are two or more software programs, running the same hardware. Although I detest the notion that the human mind is nothing but a meat computer, the idea that the same body (with many automatic programs) has different but internally consistent ways of interacting, reacting and dealing with the world is useful. 

Following the list I not only explain but gradually show that the same body and brains (and automatic and autonomous systems of it) by being in these different modes not only displays different responses, but is a different person or personality. This is a subpersonality, with its own IQ, sexual preference, ultimate goals, level of happiness, social patterns, responses and needs but also with shortcomings, malfunctioning and diseases specific to that personality or subpersonality. In short, it becomes clear that the outer personalities (mask or masks) and the inner child state are not only superficially different modes of being; they are fundamentally different. 

The standard form printed here is only the first step in the process. As the matrix takes form more specific questions come up, and the standard form gives way to a more specific list. The process becomes more personal and the dowsing turns into a dialogue. Questions and answers follow in a process of finding solutions, going forward and back, retracing earlier reading data, especially data that seemed erratic before but can now yield new insights and perspectives. Gradually the person starts to recognize the various modes, and becomes accustomed to the idea that one can switch between modes and that the inner child mode offers different and important options for dealing with life. There one can discern the true path and scenario of the soul. 



Now I believe that the fundamental differences between child and masks are the cause of many, if not most, dysfunctioning in body and mind. We might, after all, have developed defense mechanisms that once were useful, but become a burden to the health of mind or body. We are different in the different masks, for instance we might have a different time-perspective (TP) as Zimbardo uses it, a different enneagram type etc. It would be great to use such more general indicators, find out what enneagram types we are in the different sub-personalities, but would require that the client could handle such aggregate models. 

Understanding the differences between the subs is a first step in trying to see what effect they have. This leads to diagnosing and eventually suggestions for remedy or therapy. It’s the subject that in fact ‘feels’ what’s wrong. Becoming aware of the differences and their roots in one’s life or past is a very important process. Most if not all ailments, syndromes or problems are symptoms of dysfunctioning, only if we find the root causes can we really do something. 

The standard list I use is the outcome of many sessions and has changed over time. As one could make a nearly endless list of personality traits, of functional parameters and characteristics that could differ between child and mask or masks, it is important to limit the work to those that are the most significant. 

Obviously there are indicators that are more practical, general and informative than others. The problem with all these data, as anyone who has gone through the medical system knows, lies in the interpretation. How is one to define what is healthy, what is ill, what is disease, what is a problem and what a talent, what is normal? 

A different approach 

In the normal (allopathic) medical world one can also do a lot but there the data obtained (blood test, laboratory test, psychological test, MRI scans, etc.) are in most cases limited to one mask mode or modality. Interpreting those data ignores that the person while being tested could be in a mode that’s just not relevant. Think about having a toothache in one mode, but when sitting in the dentist chair the pain has disappeared miraculously because one has changed into another mode/mask. 


Obtaining data from the inner child mode with standard methods is possible but difficult. Sometimes one unintentionally does get these data because patients are drugged into their child mode or otherwise regressed into that state. 

Normally however (and apart from some inner child work specialists) no attention is given to the parameter differences between child and masks.  

Because I believe those differences are the most common cause for malfunctioning or complaints, this limits the effectiveness of normal medical diagnoses and treatments. 

Two or more personalities or modalities 

I come back to the notion of multiple subpersonalities. The word “personalities” or even subpersonalities is a bit strong and makes one think of Multi Personality Disorder, or Dissociative Identity Disorder. It is  nevertheless used here to indicate those programs, modes, characters or substitute identities we often see described as the conscious personality, as opposed to the true self, shadow, wounded or inner personality, many words are used. 

I developed or extended the idea of multiple substitute identities or masks in this form, as I discovered in myself and others that these programs are rather independent modes of being. 

Each mode, which is experienced by others as a separate character,  has its own breath pattern, intelligence, social qualities, sexual orientation, sexual preferences, talent pool etc., sometimes quite different. 

Each mode draws upon and accesses their own “bag” of experiences, traumas and reflexes built up in our lifetime and stored in the body and the mind. This means that in one mode one can see a specific experience as traumatic, in another mode as just a nuisance. In the one mode one can love the parents, in another hate their guts. 

Automatic responses and switches 

In the ego (mask=persona) mode or modes most of the effects and mechanisms are unconscious, automatic and cannot be accessed. The reflexes especially happen very fast, unnoticed, and are hard to catch or pinpoint. We ourselves and others might notice them, or rather the resulting symptomatic behavior, moods, stance. Also the switch from one mode to another happens unnoticed, but comes with a changed behavior. 

Making all this conscious is the way to integrate the mask, for this is the best we can achieve, it’s not about only going back to the child mode. Becoming aware of certain patterns we can then adapt a bit, evade the effects, find cognitive solutions. 



Many therapies like NLP and the many behavioral approaches are effective in changing some aspects of the (dominant) mask, and adapt it to what the external world expects or requires. They can be effective in better coping with day-to-day situations. These adaptations however are superficial, they change the mask, the self perception and cause changes in behavior, but not the deep roots. 

They do NOT really change the person inside, the inner child and the higher self. In fact, by dealing with some symptoms that are only symptoms of deeper fundamental problems in the psyche, they sometimes keep the person away from becoming aware of those deeper problems. 

There are many similar therapies that can be used with some effect, the underlying roots however are not addressed in such symptomatic approaches. Only in the inner child mode, where the ego is dissolved, can we consciously address the root issues. By looking at the causes of the effects and relating them to the bag of experiences and traumas, the then wiser and more pure inner child can integrate them. Integration is the goal, not denial of the mask or masks, they are useful tools to deal with the world, but need to be applied in the right way. 

The defensive character of our mask(s) already points at the problem, that therapy is only effective at the root level when the subject is in an inner child mode. This however requires the same from the therapist or healer.  

It’s not identified as such, but words as empathic, feeling, comforting, are often used to indicate therapists who can access such a mode and join their clients in “being there”. Many ritualistic way of healing by shamans etc. require that both healer and healer access another state of consciousness. 


The two modes usually recognized as constituents of the psyche and influencing our thoughts and behavior are indicated as the conscious and the un/subconscious modes. Such a model does not map precisely over my model of inner child and ego-masks. There are subconscious (and deeper unconscious) facets of the inner child that show up in the ego-masks too. However, talking about this informally, the conscious/unconscious dichotomy is more easily understood by subjects. 

The inner child is hard to reach, only in dreams and sex do we normally have access. However, with special techniques like breath work, meditation, yoga, hypnosis  and certain drugs we can reach this state. Here the overlap with ritual is very clear. 

Some people have more easily access or trained themselves to be there and use this state in artistic expression, as a healer, clairvoyant etc. 


Later in life the inner child sometimes gets more liberated and the original me, the child that we once were, is showing more. 

A fluid relation between the various modes, not denial but conscious integration is crucial in growth towards wisdom. It takes a lot of work however, sometimes illnesses and suffering, to liberate the inner child and develop it along the spiritual awareness axis. Our mask states still can and will be triggered unconsciously but we can learn to recognize the signals. 

We might then discover that it is the deep connection to the higher self and divine oneness that underlies it all. Again it is clear that therapy and ritual are just two sides of the same coin. In ritual we also have the possibility, to reach the inner child state, which I sometimes call the ritual state, a special state of consciousness. 

This explains why there are rituals and why there will always be rituals, for they are effective ways of healing and accessing deeper exchange nodes (primes). Rituals are acts, and therefore reach deeper levels than just language, but this is recognized in modern psychotherapy, as it was in shamanic healing through the ages. 

Our traumas, stress, frustrations and “buttons’ are stored both in the body, as every cell and organ has a memory too (embodied cognition), and in the psyche. 

Steve Jobs: an example 

As an example of just a small part of a Lucidity form I give some data about Steve Jobs. I have met him a few times, so there is a connection. In his inner child he is very creative, very smart, but this disappears in his normal mask, his ego. He was raised by ‘red neck’ foster parents and had to adapt to their way of being. One could say he took over their personality. Not very nice, he was the worst boss one could imagine. But the, also because he experimented a lot with new age technologies (and mentioned LSD as a life-changing experience) he was able to connect to his inner child mode and be ‘there’ quite a lot of the time. This is exceptional and since he had all this talent in that mode, he could (at home) use it to come up with great ideas, look at products and feel. He wasn’t a happy trooper and the differences between his two modes of being were sizeable, so there must have been internal unbalance. The mask-personality wasn’t nice at all, he mistreated people around him, was strong-willed and not very social, a bit autistic. By studying the numbers one can get an idea what kind of person he was, but also that hidden from the world, but accessible in a conscious way, he was a genius. A large difference in IQ, usually because of adaptation towards the family level, is usually a source of much worry, but in Jobs’ case he also had quite a bit of karma to deal with. 

The mask : nature or nurture 

As we grow up, we develop a personality mode (program) to cope with the outside world, its demands, logic, irrationalities, adverse conditions etc. This becomes our mask, the personality we experience as ourselves, as the I, the ego, the operational mode we identify with and show to the world. It is the outermost layer of our psyche. It develops from very early childhood, basic personality traits can be detected before the child is one years old and by age 3 or 4 it has kind of formed itself. This mask personality is not unchangeable, in fact it develops and grows and can be changed later in life.. 

The mask characteristics are, in my opinion, not a given (nature) but a result of nurture (education, conditions of growing up) with at most a limited genetic (DNA) influence. This also means that I believe the characteristics of this mask personality are not fixed but can be changed or developed. 

The mask strives for outward perfection, structure, evasion of negative emotions, even the search for some kind of subjective truth, but is also a very good shield, indeed a mask, used to show an identity that is not our true self. Anxiety, fear and anger are major drives, and are or can different in different masks. The usual typology systems are valid within each mask, a system like the enneagram can be used to analyze a specific mask, as long as one accepts there are other types at work in other masks. 

The wounded inner child 

The true self, the perfect child in us that protected itself by building the mask or masks but got wounded and damaged in the process, is always still there. It is however hidden behind our defense patterns against abuse, pressure, bad conditions, lack of love, lack of touch, all human beings have picked some of these from the tree of abundant trauma. One could say that they did so with perfect understanding and by free will, their souls made the choice for incarnation in this life and with these parents, they created or picked the ingredients for the resulting mask or masks. From this perspective one could see the development of the mask and the lifelong struggle to come back to the higher self as the human condition, the storyline of one’s destiny. And if we see that even in the same family and with the same bouquet of potential trauma and abuse, different kids pick different masks, this supports the assumption that the soul, the ultimate driver of our body-mind-spirit, is in charge of all this. 

Our higher self, the core of original inner child, is the connection with the divine spark in us, is in essence a part of the divine. It connects, unites, does not separate, does not discriminate. It has those divine virtues, love, humbleness, patience, compassion, courage, wisdom, is creative and is where we communicate with the otherworld by way of the primes. 

Subpersonality, not a willed state 

This subpersonality or modality model is somewhat different from Roberto Assagioli’s notions of psychosynthesis and the usual view on how substitute identities work. There they are usually seen as functional adaptations to situations, like work, relationship, fights etc. In that view, a person can have many substitute identities and subidentities, which are supposed to kick in when needed, more or less under the control of the will. I believe, with quite a different perspective, that the various behavior modes or masks are formed in childhood or because of traumatic experiences we couldn’t handle, and the subs will kick in because of triggers that remind us of the original experiences. They are thus involuntary but once recognized can be somewhat controlled. 

Lucidity and its limitations 


The methodology I use and developed, the lucidity method, is based on the assumption that we can by divination measure even intangible parameters, differentiate them for the personalities or masks and so indicate potential inner conflicts. The method has been used and validated in hundreds of cases, not only by, I have trained other to work in a similar way. 

The problem with the method of course is that is subjective and uses a measuring technology not accepted as scientific. Yet most professional will agree that understanding, measuring and analyzing the parameters of the ego-system and the underlying inner child yields valuable insights for therapy and healing. 

People can have different IQs, sexual orientations, time perspectives, etc. in different (sub)-personalities. 

Analysis of the numerical data for normally intangible and vague qualities like spiritual resonance, emotional EQ, sexual orientation, happiness, beauty and much more also gives insight into: 

Now the advantage of using an intuitive method like dowsing is that one is not limited to obtaining data about the mask, but also about the inner child and this opens up the possibility to compare. There are also no limitations of time, one can dowse characteristics as they were before, even for dead people. One can find averages, peaks, and correlate them, it’s a miraculous way to work. I have done this for many years and with many people, and gradually developed a shortlist of those characteristics that are most significant and useful in diagnosing root problems. This shortlist, amended, expanded and rearranged many times, has evolved into what I call the Lucidity profile; this is a matrix that compares a number of essentials for the inner child, the mask - and if applicable - the subsequent masks. Not every item on that shortlist or profile is relevant for a given person. It only matters if a substantial difference is detected between mask(s) and child.  

The characteristics of these processes, programs and states of being can be represented by numerical scales and values, different ones for the different masks. I use a standard form to do so and use a pendulum to find values for the items on the list, they might be the same or different for the various personality masks. 

The question here is what to fill in, beyond notions like good, average, bad, for it concerns vague notions like emotional EQ, health, well-being, mostly vaguely defined capabilities. I use my personal intuition here, measured with a pendulum. The pendulum is my contact medium with my inner self and thus with the otherworldly dimensions where I believe these things reside. 

Here the notion of relative scales is important. It is not essential to use a scale or calibration that is universal, as long as one can repeat the outcome of even a subjective measurement. If I call a certain painting beautiful I can give it a rating, let’s say 8 (out of 10). Now another painting is less attractive, so I give it a 6. What makes this a practical approach is that later I can classify paintings based on this scale, on the condition that my subjective scale still holds and I would give the paintings the same value or ranking when repeating the evaluation. Consistency and repeatability can make a subjective scale and ranking practical and effective. Even esoteric notions as enlightenment, level of awareness, happiness and in fact all dimensions of our human “being” can in such a way be represented by numerical values. Those values are subjective but repeatable and give a deeper insight in how our psyche-body-mind works. 

The data obtained are very much related to what the dowser feels, knows or senses about a specific item, he is the one behind the calibration so to say. Take IQ, there are many different tests to measure this and even those have to be updated every few years. As the test battery becomes familiar, there is a kind of inflation in IQ scores. 

So when I (or another practitioner) obtain numbers they are what the dowser intuitively senses and assign numbers too. For me, concerning IQ grading, a university level IQ is around 126, and the highest IQ score I have seen is 156 (Leonardo da Vinci). The premise that the average IQ is 100 doesn’t seem to apply anymore, at least for the Netherlands and for me. I seems to ‘gauge’ in my dowsing that a functioning citizen these days needs to have at least an IQ of 114 (I presume that worldwide 100 is still the average). Also the notion of IQ is limited, it’s only an indication of the rational and logical, other things like social quotient, spiritual awareness level, sensitivity, connectedness etc. play a role. All humans come with a full deck, I believe, even if they are labeled differently. 

I use numbers and quantitative data, being a physicist by training. For the purpose of finding the important differentials between child and mask modes it would probably suffice to indicate whether there is a significant difference at all, without needing to put a number to it. 

The disadvantage of quantitative data is that the client is easily triggered into disputing them, thinks him or herself more intelligent, happy, healthy or whatever and quarrels about what everything means. On the other hand, some leeway in how hard the data are usually leads to a meaningful discussion about what is at issue, and becomes part of the awareness process that the Lucidity Program in essence is. 

Lucidity Postulates: 


Now the above postulates are quite specific and somewhat revolutionary, especially the ones where I attribute separate IQ’s, social capabilities etc. to the different programs /substitute identities/modes. 

In case of extreme multiple personality syndrome this is generally accepted, but it is quite a statement to argue this applies to nearly everybody.  

The basis of personality is the breath 

I believe there is a root mechanism at work in our body. This is the breath, as this is the fundamental energy mechanism. So I am suggesting that IQ, personality traits, body postures and looks etc. are caused by the breath pattern. This in turn is driven by our psyche, the master and charioteer of our selves complex. So I believe it is the psyche (mind if you like) that causes our breath and chi-energy to move through our system as it does. Here I differ again from the “Western” understanding. Of course those well versed in yoga and what Chi does will see the resonance with “eastern” wisdom. Incidentally, this means that changing one’s personality can be achieved by a strict breath regime, as achieved in monastic situations by chanting and mantras, but also happens when certain muscles are afflicted by an accident or by wearing a tight corset. 

Dowsing, divination, intuition 

There are ways of obtaining data that are not widely accepted in scientific circles or the medical world, but will yield reproducible and significant indicators about the physical and psychological state of a person. 

Apart from the intuition and the talents of an experienced therapist or practitioner, who at a certain level knows or feels what a patient radiates, there have been developed over time alternative methods such as Kinesthetics, Touch for Health, Radionics and all kinds of dowsing or divination methods. Often these are classified by skeptics as mere superstition and fraud but they do yield reproducible results. The alternative medicine world uses these techniques a lot, and they help to understand the condition of the client, even as one accepts that the results are easily tainted by projection or prejudice. 

Explanation of the items on the model form 

The items on the model form (see illustration) need some explanation, as they are short and abbreviated indicators only. Let’s start with time (spend in the mask mode). Most people spend very little time in the inner child mode, and are mostly in their normal daily (first) mask. Only in dreaming, under severe stress, in cases of disease or when having sex does one normally let go of the mask and revert to the inner child mode. However, one can also enter into this state with meditation, certain exercises, concentration and with certain (psychoactive) drugs. An average person is only some 2-5% of the time in his child state. For people who have a higher proportion of time in that mode, there are usually places or situations where that state is more common, such as the garden, meditation, sport, painting or singing. 

When there is more than one (sub) identity and thus more mask-states, the same applies - there are times and situations where the one personality or identity prevails. This can be at home, at work, maybe with a certain person or during certain activities. This can give a good indication for where this mask originates. 

Another good starting point is looking at the client’s general and psychological health. This will not normally be more than a few percent off from the healthy 100% score, but a substantial difference between child and mask levels might indicate were the root of the affliction lies. When a health problem is more in the child than in the mask, it indicates that the problem lies in the genetic or karmic load, and is usually harder to cure. Problems in the mask or masks have their roots in traumas, events or accidents in that mask state, and are usually easier. Here again we come across the notion that inner child problems can only be addressed in the inner child mode. This was well understood in the shamanic tradition, where both the client and the shaman have to get into a trance state (inner child mode) to see and heal the problem. 

Spiritual awareness frequency or level is the first of the more esoteric indicators. It indicates at what cognitive level (6th chakra) one understands the spiritual, and the numbers indicate at what chakra level that is. There are other similar indicators with the same numbering approach, such as sexual awareness (2nd chakra) and magical/power awareness (3rd chakra). They sometimes differ between child and mask, and these indicators also give a general idea about where a person is in his development. 

Again it has to be stated that the absolute readings are not so important. It’s the differential between child and mask(s) that causes the problems and offers a starting point for further diagnostics and therapy. 


L. Sala 2014/2016