Mindlift video catalog

Mindlift Beeldbankiers is a specialist in digital stock libraries, traditionally pictures, see www.mindlift.nl but we also have video stock, from vendors like ArtBeats, but also our own collection of video-material, both historical material from the twenties up to the sixties from newsreeels and public domain sources, plus more actual interviews and video stock material from sources like Kleurnet, a local Amsterdam television station. Our stock footage library is much larger than we can put on these pages, but this site gives you an idea of the material we have available.

This material is also available via video-download sites, but for commercial use Mindlift Beeldbankiers in Amsterdam is your partner.

- The Kleurnet MySTeR Interview Collection

We have available interviews with many people from the Spiritual, New Age, New Edge, Art & Cyberspace movements, see www.mindlift.tv, much of it in  DV  PAL format in English language.

Most interviews are 2 camera setups with a length between 30 and 45 minutes, in English with Luc Sala as the interviewer. The original medium is digital video (DV1000 camera) DV or DV Cam tape with 720x576 lines resolution, but it can be transfered to other media, usually .avi of .mpg files.

Our Interview library consist of thousands of hours of material with aa.o.conversations with:

Timothy Leary, Ram Dass, Deepak Chopra, Huston Smith, Philip Glass, Margo Anand, Patti Smith, Mark Pesce, Barry Long, Christopher Hills, Albert Hofmann, Terence mcKenna, Sasja Shulgin, Karl Pribham, Pannikar, Tich Nath Hanh, Werner Pieper and many, many others.

- Dutch language material and programs about:

Amsterdam, Dutch museums and art collections, local Amsterdam artists, historical landmarks and local folklore.

- The TRC Collection

Historical material and cartoons licensed from Television Research Center Amsterdam Netherlands, mostly American Public Domain material digitized on DV.

This historical stock footage is categorized in the following sections:


These menu's and pictures are copyrighted and may not be printed, republished or reproduced in any form


Mindlift Beeldbankiers
Weesperstraat 103, 1018 VN Amsterdam
the Netherlands
31-(0)20-6388292 fax 020-6253280


Updated 5 Febr. 2007: For suggestions send email to sala@dealerinfo.nl