MPS : Magische staven, Wands en Healing Sticks

(in bewerking nederlandstalige versie)

De  Mindlift Power Stick


Zogenaamde toverstokjes of Magic wands zijn al een heel oud verschijnsel. Ze komen voor in allerlei verhalen over tovernaars en heksen, in fables en sprookjes, maar we vinden ze ook bij archeologische opgravingen. Ze maken dele uit van de klassieke tover-hulpmiddelen, waaronder ook de schaal (chalice), het mes of zwaard en de waaier (Fan) vallen. Toverstokjes zijn er in allerlei vormen, ze zijn dus van alle tijden. De laatste tijd is er een hernieuwde belangstelling voor, zeker sinds de Harry Potter boeken een ietwat geromantiseerd idee over toverstokjes bij het brede publiek hebben gebracht.

Power Sticks

Staven voor Healing: magic wands

Staven zijn er in vele vormen. We kennen de maarschalksstaf, de herdersstaf maar ook de toverstaf. Magische staven zoals de Mindlift Power Sticks zijn ontworpen om de natuurlijke energieën op te vangen, zodat ze gekanaliseerd en versterkt kunnen worden voor verschillende doeleinden, zoals healing (Reiki), magische doeleinden zoals het inwijden van objecten, invocaties (aanroepen, gebeden), en het in evenwicht brengen en harmoniseren van persoonlijke energie. Daarnaast zijn het gewoon ook fraaie voorwerpen, die als sieraad getoond kunnen worden of als geschenk iets heel bijzonders uitdrukken.


Iedere PowerStick is uniek en voor ieder-een past ook een andere staaf, het is een kwes-tie van resonantie, de steen, de vorm, de energie kan bij je passen, dat heeft niets met de prijs of de afmeting te maken.


De opzet van deze staven komt uit Tibet en Nepal, waar ze gebruikt worden voor kris-tal-healing, deze worden gemaakt in India. De healingstaven die we aanbie-den zijn ge-maakt van krachtig kristal en (half) edel-steen. Ze zijn voorzien van een kristallen punt aan één zijde en een afgerond kristal aan de andere kant.


Je gebruikt de staf alsof je met een pen de energie in een persoon instraalt, recht of dwars zoals dat het beste aanvoelt. Je kunt de energie van de staaf haar werk laten doen, maar ook steun vragen of visualise-ren dat er bijvoorbeeld genezend licht via de staaf komt. De puntige zijde wordt gebruikt voor het instralen van botten en spieren, de ronde zijde voor organen en weefsels. Voor gebruik reinigen (water, zonlicht, maan-licht, rook) en zorgvuldig bewaren. Je eigen staaf alleen zelf gebruiken, kristal neemt makkelijk energie op van anderen.  


Er is meestal een centrale staf van een (half)-edelsteen zoals:

Amethyst, Goud kwarts, Bloedsteen, Maan-steen, groene Ruby Zoisite (robijn-moeder), zwart Agaat, witte Agaat, Jasper, groene Aventurijn, rode Aventurijn, gele Aventurijn.

Maar ze zijn er ook van edelhout of van een geleidend metaal zoals koper, in alle gevallen bewerkt, met zilveren ornamenten, soms goud en afgewerkt met een hoge mate van vakmanschap.

Verder is de staaf vaak voorzien van 7 ver-schillende edelstenen die zijn ingelegd in zilveren ornamenten. Deze edelstenen cor-responderen met de verschil-lende lichaams-chakra's en geven fysieke en psychische on-dersteuning tijdens de healing. De gebruikte halfedelstenen zijn (met wat variaties, er zijn verschillende stenen die per chakra passen), meestal:

*           7  Kruinchakra: Amethyst

*           6  Derde oog chakra: Sodaliet

*           5  Keelchakra: Blauwe Agaat

*           4  Hartchakra: Aventurijn

*           3  Zonnevlecht chakra: Rose Kwarts

*           2  Navelchakra: Argoniet

*           1 Wortelchakra: Carneliaan


Omdat deze staven uit natuurlijk materiaal bestaan en handgemaakt zijn, is het kwarts-type dat geleverd wordt variërend en is ook de lengte niet altijd gelijk.



Some wands are said to have enormous powers, others are just very beautiful, very exquisite or made of very rare or fetish materials. They are described as wands, power sticks, staffs, totems or sceptres, and usually the owner has a special kind of attachment to them. But whatever the purpose, whatever the qualities, whether you are waving your wand to enforce your will or just using it as a prop in the home altar or as a jewellery piece on the coffee table, magic wands are fascinating items.  Egosoft offers you a selection of wands and sticks  under the brandmane Mindlift Power Sticks, but offers you also an opportunity to learn more of these magical instruments.


Magic wands serve as ritual implements, but are also used for healing. Especially the crystal on top of the wand can have great healing power in the hands of the right bearer (owner/practitioner) sometimes geared towards specific illnesses, sometimes of a general nature. How to use such a wand is a matter of practice, inclination and talent, and the effectiveness may grow over time and with experience. Intention, dedication, concentration and trust in the power of the universe, as represented and symbolised by the wand, is essential.

Use for healing: Reiki

Healing sticks  are used in the Tibetan and Indian tradition, often used in a so-called 7 chakra design, having a set of (semi)-precious stones or gems associated with the 7 traditional chakra. These gems can be  set on the body of the wand or used as ornaments.

The use of crystals or a wand with crystal tips for healing is common practice in many cultures and traditions, we mention the Reiki approach, where practitioners or reiki-masters use a healing stick.

Our sample set of wands

We have a small selection of wands to demonstrate the possibilities and variation in design. Some of these are added to this description, (see pictures) They have a regular price, but not the special qualities we describe below for the MPS-wands. This sample set consists of various models, available in materials like wood, crystal quartz, rose quartz, golden quartz, smoky  quartz, amethysts, green aventurine, bloodstone, moonstone, ruby zoisite.


There are some practical considerations in choosing a wand. Although the clear crystal body appeals to many people, it is somewhat vulnerable and breaks easily. The more solid stones and wood wands are more sturdy and less vulnerable.


Below we outline our approach to a special kind of power sticks, indicated as Mindlift Power Sticks (MPS).

As the name suggests, they are tools to help the mind exert power. Power over the material world as in mind over matter, but it is maybe more appropriate to talk about psychological awareness and healing powers. Depending on one’s belief system one can ascribe certain magical powers to objects like wands, knives, cups, but the general theory of magic indicates, that such powers would be related to the correspondences inherent in the materials, design, production and ultimately the use of such tools. Correspondences are links, similarities, relationships, connections in form, colour, appearance, name, numbers, frequency, descendency, physical proximity between forces or ideas in the material realm and those in the ideal or nonmaterial and symbolical realms.


Correspondences - as the basis of magic and ritual - date back to the earliest human activities, wherever our ancestors were involved in ritual or spiritual activities we find totems, holy objects, similacrums and facsimiles. Little statuettes representing animals, deities, age old rock drawings using symbols we can recognise today as representing the sun, water, stars and planets, correspondences are of all times and all cultures. Even the oldest myths, stories and scriptures like the Veda’s and the Avesta are full of correspondences, using sometimes very obvious one like the colour red for fire, sometimes we have lost the meaning or underlying significance of the correspondences hinted at.


These correspondences are numerous and classification is cumbersome, many socalled grimoires or sorcery books deal exclusively with correspondences. However, over time the magical literature has yielded enough structures and matrices classifying the relationships between numbers, stones, metals, colors, the planets, animals and such. There are extensive lists tying specific zodiac signs to certain minerals and crystals, flowers, herbs, trees and animals. These can be used to choose the material used in the personalised MPS powerstick as provided by Mindlift.

Choice of material and design

The choice of materials and design is based on the principle of correspondences, where we offer a wide variety in materials and forms, guaranteeing a unique specimen, tailored to your personal taste, corresponding to your personal data and characteristics and thus the basis for a most powerful wand. These data could be your date and place of birth, as translated in a horoscope sign, zodiac symbols, but also an ennegram personality type, a Human Design System horoscope translated in chakra energies, your power or totem animal, your name (or numerological identity), power words, personal, tribal or ancestral symbols, lucky number, preferences for materials, potential allergies (some metals give allergic reactions) and other details that you deem relevant. Our master artists will use this to pick a design and material that resonate optimally.


Please provide, in your request for an MPS wand, the necessary data, additional details and preferences, so that we can offer you an appropriate design and quote you an acceptable price.


The general approach for making powersticks and similar magical objects is to combine representations or specimens from the various worlds into one object or artefact. When we use the word worlds here, this is a rather general indication, there are many ways to divide the seen and the unseen creation into worlds, levels or dimensions. As an example used often in the design of powersticks there is the world of minerals (stones, crystals, metals), the world of plants and trees (flower, wood, herbs), the world of animals (bones, fur, shells, feathers), the world of sentient beings, the world of ideas or symbols (a name, graph, a pattern), in fact one can make many world constructions. The basic elements earth, water, fire and air (with ether as the invisible component) can be represented by earth elements, fish bones of fossils, precious stones with a fiery nature, feathers or birds bones for the air, a meteorite for ether.


There are practical and financial limits to the materials and design you choose, using a 5 carat diamond on top of your wand would not be an everyday choice and as there needs to be some physical strength and rigidity to your wand, not all combinations are possible.


The main choice would be the crystal on top of the wand. Its size, quality, origin and charge are important, but most of all it should resonate with the bearer and his or her intention and dedication. The material value is less important, a small but appropriate stone with the right kind of permanent or incidental charge can do the job, an expensive gem might be useless. Once the primary crystal is chosen, the rest of the structure follows in a more or less logical structure, usually with a wood, stone or metal piece as the carrier of the other materials. 


Traditionally, the magic tools one chooses and uses should be as personal as possible and in some tradition it is emphasised, that one actually picks and works the raw material in order to create a tool as personal and powerful as possible. However, in our modern world most people don’t have access to the raw materials or have a limited selection. The MPS wands are produced in such a way, that an individual has a large influence on the materials and design and can pick and choose what suits him or her best, thus allowing for a personalised result.


The unique approach of MPS production is that we use your personal preferences and correspondences to combine specific materials into a design, that fits you and ‘resonates’ optimally with your personality, your soul and your innermost design and ambitions. This produces a basic tool, that you then can enhance and dedicate yourself or you can use the empowerment options Mindlift provides.

The unique empowerment options

Apart from the physical quality of the MPS, the choice of materials, the workmanship and the design there are a number of qualities and options that make each one of these sticks unique and enhance their power. We mention:


A: The empowerment treatment , that comes with the careful production and design

B: The possibilities for additional personalisation and naming

C: The option to insert additional ‘sacred’ items, materials and power-totems

D: The option to charge the wand, with a link to otherdimensional energies

E: The option to anchor experiential, emotional or healing information, events and experiences

F: Radionics and frequency-related circuitry and dimensions

A: power enhancements

After the physical production, where loving craftsmanship, deliberate choice of materials and artistic inspiration already add ‘love-power’ there are a number of procedures one can choose from that would enhance the power of the wands. These would be additional to the standard procedure of ‘cleaning’ the wands after production, by exposing it to moonlight, sunlight and streaming water, thereby removing any unwanted contamination at the material and ethereal level. One can choose from the following ritual empowering procedures or execute those or similar ones oneself.


I: standard dedication/consecration to the forces of nature, the four corners, seven directions.

II: personal dedication to a purpose or energy you as the principal specify

III: very specific healing or other powers, upon special request and for which we would need a ‘personal witness’ sample like a hair.

IV: site related empowerment, a wand could be taken to sacred places like the Ganges or other holy rivers, the Pyramids, Delphi, certain temples or places of power like Sedona or materials from those places could be used.

B: Additional personalisation or naming

Some people would like to enhance the identity of their wand by giving it a name (at a consecration ceremony), by inscribing certain personal symbols or patters. This can be done during production or you can arrange this yourself. An option we offer is an embroidered wrapping or pouch, we can provide. All MPS wands come with a beautiful bag anyway, for protection and safekeeping. The energy a wand radiates needs to be respected and cared for.

C: Inserts

In some designs we include a ‘secret’ hidden space to insert additional personal items, texts, dedications, homeopathic enhancers for healing purposes, precious stones, totems and such.

D: Energy charging

Interdimensional charging by qualified mages, imbuing specific or general positive energies, protection, love, connection to specific entities, deities, powers. This is a rather sensitive process and involves personal communication and sometimes physical ‘witness’ material.

E: Anchoring experiences or events.

Sometimes such a wand is purchased or given to mark a special event or happening, a marriage, initiation and such and can be marked with a date or other indication of such an event. At a psycho-ritual or neuroliguistic level, the handing over or dedication of a wand is an ‘ anchored’ experience, touching the wand will bring back the memory and state of mind of that event.

F: Radionics

Adionics  is a technology that uses specific frequencies, dimensions, patterns, numbers and circuitry for healing and various mind-matter applications. It is not like the sorcery of the past, but rather a precise method, based on research and proofing. Electric and magnetic circuits, but also symbolic circuitry play a role in Radionics and could be part of the Wand design. These are not to generate electronic light and sound effects, but serve healing and balancing purposes. 

Your wand, your choice

We offer you a choice of materials, size and design and will produce an artefact that suits you as best as we can. Do realise, however, that the size, color and quality of certain materials form nature is a given fact, so that the end result can deviate slightly. Also, you might get a wand that at face value, isn’t the combination or doesn’t have the vibration you expected, but in fact is precisely what you need. The universe, that guides you and us, has its own ways to drive some messages home!

We supply, with each MPS wand, a certificate of authenticity, indicating the name of the artist that designed and produced the specimen, the name, birth date and other data of the principal and the level and direction of the dedication given to it, with a numerical value for the power it exudes. You are of course free to transfer, sell or present your MPS-wand to another person, but it is advisable to then send us back the certificate, we would provide a new certificate backing up the transfer and rededication to a new owner.


The MPS circles

As these wands are not produced within a specific tradition, but rather as meta-traditional sacred items and in a way create their own dimension of immaterial activity, bringing them (and their owners/bearers) together can enhance their power and create interesting links between their owners. Therefore Egosoft-Mindlift arranges for MPS meetings, conferences and fairs. See the website.





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